The Workshops will be announced soon on the website:
The conference will be held jointly with OSMSES 2024 conference.
Workshops 2023 - 15th March 2023
09:00 - 13:00
Workshop 1
Interoperability by Design – From Theory to Practice
In context of the EU Project SENDER, open to external experts
Jawad Kazmi, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH,
Mark Stefan, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH,
Workshop description
Interoperability is a key prerequisite of the digital transformation of energy systems. Some of the major challenges in the way to achieving a seamless integration with a high interoperability maturity level are not following a well-defined methodology. The first part of the workshop presents a methodology – the AIT (Virtual Verification Laboratory) VLab, which is based on the principle of interoperability by design. The principle advocates that interoperability must be considered from the very beginning of the solution design and should be followed through all the life-cycle phases. It works by defining a common view of the system first so that the functional objectives of the solution can be aligned with what needs to be implemented. This methodology is being used in the Horizon 2020 project SENDER. In the second part of the workshop, participants are invited to try out the methodology and related toolkit by integrating components into a provided environment. This environment consists of a virtual representation of a simple energy system with several actors (e.g., grid operator, energy supplier, customer) and a predefined use case.
Project description
SENDER will develop the next generation of energy service applications for demand-response, home-automation, convenience and -security. It puts consumers at the heart of the energy market by engaging them in a co-creation process with other actors from the energy domain during the specification of pro-active DR mechanisms to cater to the consumers’ long-term incentivization.
Grid operators are the 2nd group of SENDER core beneficiaries. The project results will increase the efficiency/hosting capacity of distribution networks by improving the quality of load forecasts and providing access to load flexibility, which will allow for improving frequency stability, congestion management, and increased RES integration. In addition, monetarization on the flexibility potential will be provided by the participation in balancing/regulatory power markets. SENDER shifts DR from a reactive to a proactive approach. Consumer data will be collected and processed by means of sensor data from its premises in a cyber-secure way to identify typical consumption patterns, mirror them by digital twins (DT) based on artificial intelligence technologies and aggregate the DTs supply/demand characteristics. The clustering of the consumer DTs will be conducted based on societal science approaches at three demonstration sites. Allowing interoperability with legacy systems and third-party applications, SENDER envisions business models (BM) that are based on the condition that the consumer receives a fair share of the DSOs profit from flexibility use. BMs will focus on the role of the DSO as a facilitator, but also on energy communities/cooperatives as local actors that will manage their members´ flexibility assets. Based on the co-creation process, consumers will also be actively involved in the BM design. The SENDER wider roll-out after the project will be prepared by exploitation plans and implementation guides for the cocreation process and the SENDER soft- and hardware.
Project partners
NXTECH, Norway
Dr. techn. Jawad Kazmi is currently working as a Scientist in the Center for Energy at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. Degree from Technical University Vienna in 2017. His research interests include requirements engineering, ICT architecture design, and analysis, interoperability, verification, and validation topics. He has been active on these topics and has been contributing to many European and Austrian research projects including InterFlex, LargGo!, SENDER, CLUE, RESili8, DigIPlat, ECOSINT, CLUE, etc. He is also one of the lead developers of AIT Lablink and the AIT VLab framework.
Dr. Mark Stefan studied computer science at the Vienna University of Technology. He started his professional career at Robert Bosch AG in Vienna, where he worked as a software and function developer for 2.5 years. In 2012, he moved to the Institute for Computer-Aided Automation at the Vienna University of Technology, where he worked as a project assistant and did his PhD-studies. He developed an algorithm for the optimization of railroad systems with respect to deadlock detection and avoidance as well as for the minimization of traction energy consumption. Since 2014, he has been working at the Center for Energy at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH as a Research Engineer and Project Leader. In 2019, he was appointed Senior Research Engineer as well as Thematic Coordinator in the Power System Digitalization research area. His professional focus is on digitalization topics as well as on energy communities.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 957755.
Project website:
Workshop 2
What is interoperability? – Views and needs from a stakeholders’ perspective
In context of the EU Project int:net, open to external experts
Workshop description
The goal of our workshop is to discuss with different stakeholder groups in the energy system on a possible pathway towards an interoperable energy system.The workshop will consist of three working streams. In the first part, we will discuss the roles of the different stakeholders and where interoperability is relevant to them, focused on data and which requirement specifications will be needed to establish a seamless exchange. The second working stream will focus on end-users. We will discuss types of users and the importance of interoperability for them – from the viewpoint of users as well as of the other stakeholders in the energy system. And finally, we will define mission statements for int:net regarding the involvement of end-customers in the development process of interoperability implementation.
Project description
In the int:net project, we will establish an open and cross-domain community: The Interoperability Network for the Energy Transition (int:net). To foster the energy transition, not only connectivity in the energy sector is needed but energy related processes and products in all sectors must be aligned. Within the int:net-interoperability network we bring together all stakeholders relevant for the European energy sector to jointly work on developing, testing, and deploying interoperable energy services.
The int:net-interoperability network is formally established to exist beyond our project lifetime. With a comprehensive, FAIR knowledge platform and a series of attractive events, the int:net-community guides those who deal with the heterogeneous interoperability landscape of energy services.
To support the ongoing harmonisation of energy services, int:net will institutionalise an assessment methodology and maturity model (IMM). We are involving legal and regulatory bodies from the beginning of our work and have a constant exchange with interoperability initiatives and standardisation bodies. Thus, int:net will build a deep consensus on how European governance and industry can foster interoperability on all levels.
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria
B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, Germany
OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology, Germany
EPRI Europe DAC, Ireland
Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik, Germany
Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation, Spain
European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity AISBL, Belgium
European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids, Belgium
European University Institute, Italy
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany
Trialog, France
Bundesministerium fuer Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilitaet, Innovation Und Technologie, Austria
Ludwig Karg graduated with a master (Dipl. Inf. univ.) in Computer Sciences at the Technical Universi-ty of Munich (1981). He gained practical experience in software engineering and held German and international positions in Intel Corp. for multimedia and network products. He is Managing Director of B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH (since 1993) and Chairman of INEM (International Network of Environmental Management). Mr. Karg led various research and development projects on sustainability and renewable energy usage in enterprises, municipalities and regions. Leading an international team of experts, he supports the ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus Initiative in more than 20 European countries.
Rita Dornmair holds a Dr.-Ing. in the field of energy systems/energy economics and a Dipl.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the Technical University of Munich. She is researcher and consultant at B.A.U.M. Consult. In international research pro-jects, she works on flexibility in distribution grids, smart energy, energy communities and in-teroperability in energy systems. In accompanying research on research programs, she develops methods for evaluating project performance as well as impact on entire systems.
Andreas Corusa holds an MSc and BEng degree in Energy and Building Services Engineering and has several years of experience as Co-Founder, Entrepreneur and Consultant in Asia. He is consultant and researcher at B.A.U.M. Consult. In research projects and programs, he works on management and further development of digital collaboration and community platforms. He is involved in customer and citizen engagement processes and analyses in international research projects with focus on energy transition and digitization of energy systems.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070086.
Project website:
14:00 - 16:30
Workshop 3
Stakeholder Workshop on ICT-Architectures for Energy Communities
In context of the Austrian Project ECOSINT, open to external experts
Workshop description
This workshop is the follow-up to a stakeholder workshop which focused on the requirements imposed by the environment on local energy communities (LECs) and vice versa. These re-quirements can be broadly categorized as technical (e.g., grid-friendliness, usage of the existing system), ICT related (e.g., interoperability, security, privacy) or socio-economic (e.g., fairness). The intended system, referred to as ECOSINT solution, should facilitate the interaction between all relevant parties, specifically the LEC and its members, grid operators as well as external service providers.Based on the requirements that have been identified as most relevant to the architecture, its creation has started and first results in the form of use case, component and sequence diagrams are available. A selection of these visualizations will be presented in this workshop as the basis for further discussion.
The main aim of the workshop is to receive feedback on the current iteration of the IT architec-ture and to determine the optimal direction for planned future work. First, it should be discussed if the currently existing system is accurately described. Based on this description, some first options for possible near-term extensions have been modelled. At this stage of the process, various options for further development are possible. Therefore, the workshop should result in input regarding the priority and relevance of these options. The format of the feedback part will include group discussions focusing on the identified topics to encourage and facilitate active involvement of the workshop participants. The workshop is mainly directed towards network operators, external service providers as well as current and prospective LEC members, but input from the general public is of course appreciated as well.
Project description
In Austria, local energy communities (LECs) in the form of “Erneuerbare Energiegemeinschaf-ten”, aim at increasing the number of renewable energy resources while providing financial benefits to its participants. Communities such as these are geographically bounded by their substation and subsequently, the low-voltage grid they are connected to. While reduced trans-mission fees offer an incentive to invest in renewables, this should be done in a way that is grid-friendly and socio-economically fair. Furthermore, as additional IT infrastructure is needed to accommodate the creation of LECs, security and privacy are important factors to consider during all stages of IT architecture development. In essence, the development of a corresponding soft-ware architecture is the goal of the project ECOSINT. To achieve this, the initial stage of the project consisted of an analysis of the environment of LECs in which the various stakeholders were identified, requirements were collected and use cases were developed. Subsequently, an architecture which enables the collected requirements is being developed, which will then be evaluated via simulations and proof-of-concept setups. Finally, the findings will be disseminated via various publications, workshops as well as documentation of the project results.
FH-Prof. Priv.Doz. MMag. Dr. Günther Eibl holds diploma degrees in mathematics and physics and a habilitation in applied mathematics from the University of Innsbruck in 2021. Since 2013 his work focuses on privacy and security in the energy domain, primarily applying methods from data analysis and cryptography. In September 2022 he became head of the Center for Secure Energy Informatics (CSE) at FH Salzburg. Together with its research and company partners it is working on algorithms and architectures to make the digitalization of energy systems more secure and privacy-preserving.
DI Oliver Langthaler, BSc received his Master’s degree in engineering from the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences in 2014. He then remained at the University as a researcher at the Center for Secure Energy Informatics, where he has been contributing to Smart Grid and energy-related research projects such as OpenNES, VirtueGrid, Future Network Tariffs and ECOSINT. He also founded cappatec, where he develops custom hard- and software solutions, including power metering infrastructure for DSOs. In 2019, he began to focus on LECs as a topic of research and to pursue a PhD at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg.
DI Max Schirl, BSc studied Information Technology and Systems Management at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (SUAS) and finished in 2019. During his studies, he started to work at the SUAS as a Junior Researcher focusing on projects helping small and medium sized companies on their path to digitalization.
Since 2022, he is part of the team behind project ECOSINT and works on integrating privacy and security into the IT architecture of Austria’s Local Energy Communities.
This project has received funding from the Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) under grant agreement No. 881165.
Project website:
Workshop 4
Workshop on Resilience for Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
In context of the ERA-NET Project Resili8, open to external experts
Filip Pröstl Andrén, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH,
Workshop description
Future energy systems will be characterized by a much higher degree of digitalization than today’s systems. Digital solutions in the energy system are cornerstones for enabling increased penetration of renewable energies. For energy system operators, system resilience and security will always be of the highest importance. When energy systems are digitalized to a high degree on all levels, resilient and secure future energy systems can only be promised if a cyber-physical view is taken on all aspects.
During this workshop, RESili8’s vision on how to tackle this challenge with a resilience solu-tion package will be presented and discussed. The agenda consists of an introduction to the RESili8 project, followed by three talks highlighting different aspects that are important for resilient cyber-physical energy systems. The workshop is concluded with an open discussion round.
- Overview of the RESili8 Project
- Filip Pröstl Andrén, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology,
- Interoperability of Training Data for Adversarial Resilience Learning
Mathias Uslar, OFFIS, - Redundant Sensor Data Consolidation and Verification
Henrik Sandberg, KTH,, Victor Bagge, DLAB, - Training and validation using AIT’s Cyber-Physical Range
Paul Smith, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology,
Catalin Gavriluta, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology,
Lenhard Reuter, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, - Discussion
Project description
Resilience for future energy systems cannot be ensured by over-provisioning, as is done today. It is not socially sustainable and cannot address the complexity and challenges of the digital transformation that energy systems are undergoing. Resilience thinking and practice for energy systems needs to be reinvented. RESili8 does this through a novel resilience solution package for cyber-physical energy systems, including optimal and sustainable planning and AI-based analysis of resilient architectures, continuous implementation and validation of resilient applica-tions, and new solutions for resilient operation of energy systems. This innovative solution package will advance the green energy transition by ensuring security of supply and facilitates the further integration of green energy technologies. RESili8 is executed by leading European research institutes, industry, and need-owners, working together to develop and test the RESili8 solution in lab and pilot demonstrations.
The main result from RESili8 will be a novel resilience solution package with three central innovative contributions.
- Resilience engineering, planning and evaluation support, where RESili8 will create a new toolbox for the analysis of complex system architecture, as well as provide a fa-cility to derive resilient operation strategies.
- RESili8 will integrate modern software development and integration solutions, which will be combined with an innovative validation framework for rapid iterations of de-velopment-integration-test cycles.
- RESili8 will create new solutions for resilience runtime support based on an AI-concept for learning new strategies to counter existing and new threats.
Project partners
Wiener Netze GmbH, Austria
OFFIS e.V., Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Germany
Solandeo GmbH, Germany
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Dlaboratory Sweden AB, Sweden
Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Dr. Filip Pröstl Andrén MSc. studied Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at Linköping University in Sweden where he received a master’s degree in 2009. In 2018 he received his PhD in Computer Science at TU Wien on the topic of model-driven engineering for smart grids. Since 2009 he is working as a Scientist at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Energy. He is specialised on smart grids and is working with control and information systems, power utility automation, and model-driven engineering.
Project website:
Workshop 5
Interoperability Testing of Integration Profile Drafts – IES Showcase
In context of the ERA-NET Project SONDER, open to external experts
Multi-level interoperability is required for a successful digitalisation of operational processes reaching across systems. Integrating the Energy System (IES) aims to harmonise the use of existing Smart-Energy-System standards and good practice for specific (problematic) use cases. Whereas certification approves conformity to specifications, presuming that conforming systems are interoperable, the interoperability assessment of the IES methodology is centred on peer-to-peer testing. In this side-event, taking place in parallel to the symposium welcoming pass-by visits any time, we showcase exemplarily how peer-to-peer interoperability testing is possible in a ‘garage-setting’, i.e., without the test platform assumed available in the future.
The aim of end-to-end interoperability testing is to support the different developers of interconnected systems that shall cooperate with peer systems. Sunken costs due to misunderstood specifications shall be prevented. Thus, prototype implementations of the integration profiles shall be tested directly among the peer developers from the different system producers and vendors, to enable solving of identified flaws on site and repeating the tests until successful. The feedback from participating peer developers triggers the continuous improvement of the integration profiles (technical specifications) toward maturity. The trial (draft) integration profiles actually tested on-site will be presented in the symposium session dedicated to interoperability testing.
Gerald Franzl received the academic degree Dr. techn. (eq. PhD) and Dipl.-Ing. (eq. M.Sc.) in Electrical Engineering from TU Wien Austria, in 2015 and 2002, respectively. Since February 2020 he is employed at TU Wien and University for Continuing Education Krems, contributing to the R&D projects SONDER and cFlex respectively, on energy communities and smart energy services. 2008 he achieved certification to Junior Project Manager (IPMA Level_D), 2015 to Process Analyst (PcA), 2016 to EBC*L Certified Manager, and ISTQB(r) Certified Tester (foundation level), 2017 to Digital Transfer Manager (DTM).